I am a PhD candidate in the Self-management of IT systems Lab in the Department of Computer Sciences at the University of Oviedo. My research interests are related with the Industrial Internet of Things, specially with the development of low-cost prototypes oriented to health prognostics of electric motors. I have developed a low-cost vibration monitoring system and a meter monitoring system, both currently installed in different industrial plants. I am a lecturer in the area of Computer Architecture and Technology at the University of Oviedo.
PhD in Computer Science, 2024
University of Oviedo
MSc in Computer Science, 2020
University of Oviedo
BSc in Computer Science, 2019
University of Oviedo
Computer Architecture and Technology area where I teach/taught:
Computer Architecture and Technology area where I teach/taught:
Computer Science and Articial Intelligence area where I taught:
Fellow of the Computer Architecture and Technology Area of the Computer Science Department at the University of Oviedo funded by: